About MillCity

Our purpose

The purpose of MillCity Church is to fulfill the Great Commandments found in Matthew 22, and the Great Commission found in Matthew 28.

Our mission

The mission of MillCity Church is to love God, love people, and love life together.

Our vision

The vision of MillCity Church is to change history, one person at a time.

Our Beliefs

See how we view God, Jesus, the Bible, man, along with many significant facets of our faith. Firmly rooted in scripture, our beliefs guide our decisions as a church.

our core values

Learn the six values that guide the vision of MillCity Church. Our core values are critical to who we are, and who God has called us to be.

Wedneday Nights at 7pm
October 23, November 6, 13, 20

If MillCity is your home church and you would like to get more involved in the life of the church, then DNA is for you. DNA takes place over the course of 4 Wednesday nights. Join us as we share our story and the heart and core beliefs of the church. Register today for the next session! 

Our ministries

Dive into all MillCity has to offer. MillCity Church has ministries for the whole family. There's a place for everyone to belong!

our leaders

Meet the team that sets the vision and leads MillCity Church.