Worship Team Auditions

We're holding our first round of Worship Team auditions, February 27th and 28th from 6:30-8:30 PM!
Psalm 33:3 says, "Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy." The Old Testament is full of references to the skill and attention to detail that God asks for in worship. God has entrusted each of us with talent, and whatever that talent is - it's not limited to music or any artistic medium - we are responsible for reinvesting that talent back into the Kingdom however God has called us to do so, and we're also responsible for stewarding that gift, that talent, and developing it into skill. Talent is given, skill is acquired.
The purpose of these auditions is primarily to establish a baseline for the skill of the team; to evaluate the talent, and identify opportunities for growth and development. No matter your skill level, there is a place for you on the team. Paul writes in Ephesians 4 that Christ gave the church leaders to equip the body for ministry, and as leaders of the team, we will give you tools and opportunities to grow in your skills, as we all grow, not just musically, but spiritually as a team and as individuals. The expectations for each position on the team can be found in the Team Handbook.
The entire worship team will be going through these auditions. It's not American Idol style, where you're soloing in front of a panel of judges. We're playing through three songs (I Thank God, Who You Say I Am, and O Praise the Name) in four potential keys (A, C, E, and G) with a full band, mixing and matching instruments and vocalists throughout the night. Please make every effort to attend both nights.
Upon completion of the form below, you'll receive an invitation to the Planning Center service with all practice files, including chord charts and MultiTracks. MultiTracks can be found within the media files of each song. If you're new to the team, one of our Worship Leaders will reach out to you to get set up!