Two Have Become One
In June of this year, New Life Community Church voted to become a part of MillCity Church in Neenah, as a second location! Our last service as New Life Community Church was held on September 15th, and the church building will be closed for renovations until Launch Sunday next year! We are amazed at all God has done in and through New Life over the last 108 years and are so excited to see how He continues to use us in this next season as a part of MillCity - and you're invited to be a part of it too!
Building His Church
We have a lot of work to do in the coming months to retrofit the Oshkosh location before Launch Sunday. We're adding a new space for MillCity Youth, enclosing and remodeling the Auditorium, and remodeling and updating the MillCity Kids / Daycare rooms! We'll also be remodeling the 102 Building in Neenah to add additional ministry space. We believe when we make room, God will fill it!
The total cost for the project is estimated to be around $500,000. So far, we have over $130,000 pledged toward the Capital Fund, plus $100,000 in matching funds through the Assembly of God Church Multiplication Network. We're called to be generous with our time, talent, and treasure. Ask the Lord how he's calling you to be a part of what He's doing in Oshkosh!